天津第七中学毕业证样本点击天津市高中毕业证样本查看,版本由天津市教育部门统一印制发放下属学校。 天津七中创建于1951年,是全国首批重点中学,1999年被确定为申办国家级示范性高中校。中央首长及市区领导多次莅临我校视察工作。 半个多世纪来学校积淀了丰富的文化底蕴,陶冶了广博精深的治学精神。近年来,贯彻市委、市政府重点建设一批南开耀华式的优质高中,满足广大人民群众受好教育的愿望的部署,经扩建维修,学校发生了天翻地覆的变化,校容校貌焕然一新。 学校有一个年富力强、团结实干的领导班子,有一支师德高尚、业务精干的教师队伍。多年来,形成了“一切为了学生,为了学生的一切,为学生的终身发展打好基础”的教育理念,构建科学的素质教育体系,促进学生自主性发展,深化教育改革,培养高素质人才。 学校注重学生全面素质的提高和个性特长的发展。 实现邓小平同志“三个面向”的重要指示,以德育教育为前提,以教科研为先导,以课堂教学的优化设计为基础,以课堂教法改革为重点,以应用现代化教学设施为手段,以全面培养学生素质和能力为主攻方向的办学模式,已成为全校教职工的共识。 创新,天津七中教育发展的灵魂,与时俱进、力争上游、抢抓机遇的天津七中,为开创教育的新局面为创建世界一流优质名牌中学而努力奋斗。 地址:天津市河东区成林路30号。 现任领导: 王娟 天津市第七中学校长、党支部书记。 李锡麟 天津七中副校长、党支部副书记,中学高级教师。 刘惠明 副校长。 吴克琪 副校长。 王宝庆 副校长。 Tianjin No. 7 Junior and Senior high School was established in 1951. With the recommendation of Tianjin Education Bureau, it is granted by the municipal government as one of the eight key Junior and Senior high schools. And its fame stands the test of time. More honorably, it is entitled as a National Modeling Senior School and has passed the annual inspection to National Modeling Senior School not only in facility modernization but also in academic excellence. Even a casual stroll around school campus is a kind of enjoyment. Its school buildings and facilities are designed to accommodate teaching and learning in a harmonious atmosphere. Classes and laboratories are well equipped with high-tech teaching equipment and instruments. School gardens are decorated with exotic flowers and plants, and fountains spray water all year around. This school aims to create a once-in-life desirable learning environment here and promote every student to join in this big beautiful happy family. School faculty are consisted of experienced teachers, who have all the time been keeping a habit of lifelong learning so as to be comprehensive, innovative and enthusiastic, and life-loving instructors. More importantly, teachers here are endeavoring to set up a good example for students. Learning here is not an obligation but a holy mission for one’s community as well as oneself. |
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