以下两种情况下,视图列名不可省略: 1.视图由多个表连接得到,在不同的表中存在同名列, 则需指定列名; 2.当视图的列名为表达式或库函数的计算结果时,而 不是单纯的属性名时,则需指明列名。
它有什么样的影响闪回恢复区的备份? A. The backup fails because one of the archived redo log files is missing. B. The backup succeeds but it would be without the missing archived log. C. During backup, you are prompted for the alternative destination for the missing archived redo log file. D. The backup succeeds because it fails over to one of the alternative archived redo log destinations. 备 份成功,因为它失效转移到其他的归档重做日志目的地之一。